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What are natural rights? “Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable.”

What are the legal rights?

“Legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system (i.e., rights that can be modified, repealed, and restrained by human laws).” (Wikipedia, Natural Rights, 2020)  


The Spirit of the Natural Law exists first; the natural human rights derive from the Spirit of the Natural Law. In the beginning God, Elohim (Genesis 1: 1). The Natural Law first appeared in ancient Greek philosophy and was referred to by the Roman philosopher Cicero. The concept and the Spirit of the Natural Law can be seen in the events of the Bible; it is there as surely as a canvas in a classical oil painting. It is seen in the actions, behavior, manner and the living soul of Abraham, interacting with the Spirit of the Natural Law.

Similarly, Moses sensitivity to true justice, compassion, and mercy for the innocent. Moses teaching in the first five books of the Bible (the Torah) reveals the Spirit of the Natural Law is real and active. It exists with the presence and the nature of The Creator of Life, Elohim, El Shaddai, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, instructions to humanity.

The Spirit of the Natural Law is like a buffer, an interface that provides knowledge and grace to the human living soul mind. The Spirit of the Natural Law appeals to the human soul mind.

It is good to have understanding, to weight up the options with knowledge. To listen to the voice of reason and wisdom, or to act out on an impulse of the emotions. The human mind and heart can be a receiver, meditating on the Spirit of the Natural Law.

God that instructs and guides humanity, according to the wisdom in His word, Elohim. The Natural Law concepts.

“It was developed in the Middle Ages by Catholic philosophers such as Albert the Great and his pupil Thomas Aquinas.” (Encyclopedia, Natural Law, 2018)


John Locke reasons that in the beginning humans lived in the State of Nature. State of nature where there were no overlord State or government to impose the Law of men onto their subjects. “The lawbreaker was dealt with one on one, about who broke the Law and how. If confronted by a lawbreaker, or catching a lawbreaker doing violence to an individual, then the lawbreaker was punished directly without a third party”. (Wikipedia, State of Nature, 2020)

The same law principles are written in the book of the Exodus, some 1460 AD. LAWS CONCERNING PERSONAL INJURY AND HOMICIDE

“Whoever strikes a man so that he dies certainly to be put to death.” “If he did not lie in wait, but God let him fall within his reach, then I will appoint for you a place to which he may flee. “If a man acts deliberately against his neighbor, to kill him by treachery, you are to take him to die even if he is at my altar.” (Exodus 21: 12-14.)

The State of Nature has a Spirit of the Natural Law to govern it, and that Law is the reason. Locke believes that reason teaches that “no one ought to harm another in his life, liberty, and or property.” The way out of the state of nature is through consent, to join a society is through consent. The consent takes on to the social contract, and to the Law of the society/ State. According to the John Locke philosophy of law human’s inherent natural rights when they are born. Due to the intrinsic value of human life.

Rights can be forfeited, through willful sin. To deliberately flaunt sin, is to disrespect the Creator of life. God is Holy.  

THE NATURAL STATE The building blocks of a stable society are illustrated here in the graphic below.

The rule of Law derived from the Spirit of the Natural Law.   Also, Natural rights in civil society are derived from the Spirit of Natural Law principles. The right to life, liberty, and property. The Spirit of the Natural Law protects the people in the Natural State before the population explosion on earth. Since then, people have joined the society through consent and through the social contract. Responsibly submitting to the laws of that particular society. It is the rational, logical, linear order of native people entering from the natural state, into civil society with the law-abiding society of people submitted to the Rule of Law.   The rule of Law is only valid when it depends on the Spirit of the Natural Law; It provides the Natural rights to people in the society. The right to life, right to liberty, right to property. The natural Law protects the people in the natural state, before the population explosion on earth. Since then people have joined the society through consent, through the social contract. Responsibly, submitting to the rule of Law in a society.   RULE OF LAW The term Rule of Law is often used all over the world in various countries and states. It may be legitimate Law, or it may not be a legitimate law. Just like the currency of money is produced, some are legitimate, and others are counterfeit. The same Spirit of corruption and lawlessness is active with the counterfeit currency and the counterfeit Law. It leads to the same source, the underworld of the Nemesis and the demon host.   Law can also be a false counterfeit. It depends on the power enforcing it. Moreover, whether it respects the Spirit of the Natural Law. How can one tell the difference between State laws? At the most basic level, to check whether people have Natural rights:

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 1569-1583). Right to life Right to liberty Right to property   Most nations have laws; some are arbitrary; the worst-case scenario in the last 100-year European history was the leader’s that introduced State Atheism, with the lawless totalitarian military regime, which denied people their right to life, liberty, and property. Such was the revolution created by the Bolsheviks pseudo socialism in Russia from 1922 to 1991.   The Bolsheviks and the USSR roots were a mixed bag from Karl Marx’s philosophy, Lenin’s philosophical theories, and Stalin’s ego ambitions for political and military power conquest as the man of steel. Stalin was not in it for humanity or welfare. Stalin was in it for the sake of power, materialism, and national glory. Stalinism followers were doomed to fail, for the same reason Lucifer failed. There is a parallel between the Spirit of Lucifer that led to the fall and the Spirit that tempted Stalin to become what he became, utterly given to violating the Spirit of the Natural Law. “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14: 12-14 (NIV).

It was the Spirit of Lucifer that worked the hearts and minds of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, to the same end as Lucifer and his demon host. In violent conflict with the Creator of Life. They were all deceived to the wrong side of the angels.  

It was an aberration of the true Spirit of the Natural Law. A counterfeit created for the Nemesis, a pseudo-law that twisted and deceived people’s minds away from the spiritual truth. It also denied many generations of people the opportunity to have the impartial rule of Law, in a respectful, law-abiding, peaceful society.

The Josef Stalin communism pseudo-law did not respect the natural rights, the Natural Law, or the Creator of Life. They had ambitiously rejected the Biblical worldview and commenced creating a hardcore State Atheism, supported by narrow-minded subjective relativism.

At the very core center where the Law is manufactured for society, the Spirit of the Natural Law should be respected, establishing a moral duty of the government, as being a central core value serving the people.

There was violence done to the Spirit of the Natural Law; the Spirit was evicted out of the national governance by the leaders of State atheism. It was built purely on materialistic life philosophy. Human life had little significance compared to the ambitious goals of the Soviet dictators.  

There the watershed in the worldview and life philosophy can be seen clearly between the East and the West. It was played out and proclaimed openly by the Satan’s State Atheism representatives. Their diabolical lawless deeds were recorded in the historical records, some of them released, others suppressed. How can it be that people generally do not see the evidence of Satan’s representatives all over the world history? The reason is that they do not even understand the parables spoken by Jesus from Nazareth. How could they then understand anything outside of their hand?

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 1596-1611).