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Russian Leadership’s Stubborn Lust and Greed to Steal Ukraine

When Russia declared war on Ukraine, it marked 500 days since the beginning of the Russian aggression against the country. On April 2014, Russia sent in its forces to annex Crimea and back it up with military and economic measures aimed at destabilizing Ukraine. Since then, the Russian leadership has maintained its stubborn lust and greed to expand its territorial boundaries by eating away and stealing the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

Russian Parameters for War 2022

Russia has set the parameters for this war and outlined its strategic plan to take control of Ukraine. This includes using its intelligence service to suppress the government, sponsoring armed separatist groups, deploying its troops on the border with Ukraine, and ensuring that Ukrainian enterprises remain under state control. This strategy has been effective in destabilizing the country and its economy.

Since the start of this war, the Russian government has taken propaganda and hyper-war measures to influence people’s opinions in Russia, Ukraine, and broader afield, to justify the invasion of Ukraine. The Bolsheviks and Stalin Soviet Union used the same brute force tactics to drive their invasion plans through and take territory from East Europe.   

It is an abhorrent incorrigible obstinate mindset of the Russian leadership in the Kremlin to violate human rights for selfish reasons. Pride, arrogance, ignorance, lust, greed, and self-serving despotism is what drives the Soviet-Russo nationalism in Russia, and completely ignore the instruction and the wisdom of God in the Holy Bible. Specifically, human beings made in the image of God have inherent human rights to life, liberty, and property.

How Does the Kremlin Justify War Against Peace?

  1. Karl Marx’s Dialectic Materialism.
  2. State Atheism. There is no God, there are no moral absolutes. Therefore, the rule of the jungle trumps everything else in their selfish obsession with a Soviet-Russo worldview.
  3. Putin to make Soviet Russo great again. Just like the Bolsheviks and Josef Stalin did.

Russia’s Economic Leverage

Russia has also deployed its economic leverage. This includes seizing the assets of Ukrainian companies, such as the ones owned by Ukrainian oligarch and former Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, and freezing their funds. This money is suspected to be used to finance the war effort. Russia has also blocked Ukrainian imports and exports, making it difficult for the Ukrainian economy to remain strong.

Reprisals Against Ukraine

To ensure its aggressive war plan continues progressing, the Russian leadership has also engaged in military and economic reprisals against Ukraine. This includes using Russian sanctions, embargoes, and military strikes to undermine the Ukrainian government’s capacity to resist. This campaign has resulted in Ukrainian casualties and human rights abuses. Resisting and hampering the export of grain from Ukraine ports via shipping.


By engaging in a 500-day-long aggressive war characterized by the incorrigible Soviet Russo obstinate mindset manifested by aggression, destruction, and greed, the Russian leadership has demonstrated its determination blatantly to steal away the sovereignty of Ukraine. It is blasphemous gangster style arrogance, that declares war on the Spirit of the Natural Law.

It is a war that has caused unnecessary death and suffering. Still, it has also served as a reminder of the need for stronger international laws and regulations that protect nations from such events in the future. Only then can the world ensure peace, respect human rights, and maintain security and prosperity for all its citizens. Despotism must be exposed to the people that vote them into political power, in Russia that is, President Putin (2000-2023).  On the other hand, the Russian people got the leaders that they deserved. Then it becomes a question of Russian people’s moral integrity, decency, honesty, and how much they respect the wisdom and instructions in the Holy Bible. They cannot have it both ways, respect the Holy Bible and support the war against peace in Ukraine. It is a blatant contradiction.

Isaiah 5: 18-24.

“Woe to those who begin by pulling

at transgression with a thread,

but end by dragging sin along

as if with a cart rope.

They say, “We want God to speed up his work,

to hurry it along, so we can see it!

We want the Holy One of Isra’el’s plan

to come true right now, so we can be sure of it!”

Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil,

who change darkness into light

and light into darkness,

who change bitter into sweet

and sweet into bitter!

Woe to those seeing themselves as wise,

esteeming themselves as clever.

Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,

men whose power goes to mixing strong drinks,

who acquit the guilty for bribes

but deny justice to the righteous!

Therefore, as fire licks up the stubble,

and the chaff is consumed in the flame;

so their root will rot, and their flowers scatter like dust;

because they have rejected the Torah

of Adonai-Tzva’ot, they have despised the word of the Holy One of Isra’el.”

Isaiah 5: 18-24

The Russian aggressive war against Ukraine has entered its 500th day, yet the Russian aggressive war continues to hist civilian targets with missiles and bombs. Despite the Russian leadership’s stubborn lust and greed to take Ukraine, the moral consciousness and the good will of the Ukrainian people has persevered in the face of the unwarranted aggression and bribery of the Russian forces. It is the International Law and United Nations’ duty to ensure that the Ukrainian people have every opportunity for safety, peace, and prosperity, which means challenging and confronting the delusional Soviet Russo worldview in the minds of the Russian leadership at every step. We must not forget the delusional Soviet Russo-State Atheism, Stalin’s Iron Fist, and the Russian leadership’s political ambitions and their despotism that undermines the Ukrainian state.

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