Finland NATO

What is a Worldview

Worldview is a concept, demarcation, and rendition of our conscious perception. With a reasonable interpretation of the overall world experience that we live in. It has to be proven by experiential knowledge. And not only philosophized with theoretical knowledge. Life itself is impacting, interacting, and engaging in all levels of the conscious experience of life. To repress one aspect of the material world objective truth from the mind, conscience acknowledgment is possible.   To suppress inconvenient truth is most often favored.   To understand the value of accurate rendering of conscience selection, the intellect needs to be guided, instructed, and trained.   According to the ultimate truth and reality by the First Cause of Life.

The instructions have been spelled out over 3460 years ago. The journey starts with conscious integrity. God of the Bible demands uncompromising integrity from humanity. In effect, YHWH is saying,   clean the chalkboard of your conscience, and keep it clean, so that I can write my Torah instruction on your conscious mind.   To make it easier, there is a fast track to having the sinful human conscience mind cleared.   By the redeemer, the lamb of God. Yeshua Hamashiach.  

Jesus from Nazareth walked with YHWH and showed the way to a meaningful relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.     He did not endorse impersonal “dead religious rituals.”   He said there was much more to life, living a meaningful life spiritually, according to the Spirit of YHWH.   The human living functions of the mind, intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, and emotions, with inalienable human rights. Right to Life, right to liberty, and property right give people false confidence every human subjective perception is a correct worldview. The living human mind functions are highly subject to misleading imaginations and erroneous worldviews.   Partly because people think with their passions, ambitions, hormones, feelings, and emotions. They make a common mistake, thinking that they can imagine and conjure up their own Worldview. And nobody has any right to correct anybody else’s subjective mind errors for an artist sketching, painting, and making sculptures that may be true. It may not violate anybody else’s rights.  

When a populist leader rises within a nation, problems arise in the national arena, it may arrive by political, nationalistic, or military means.   The rise of a leader may be a reaction, just like the rise of the Bolsheviks and Joseph Stalin was a reaction to the Russian monarchy’s rule of law. Similarly, the rise of Adolf Hitler was a reaction by the German people to how they, as the German people, were dealt with harshly after World War One.

The armistice was on 11 November 1918 until the signing of the peace treaty with Germany on 28 June 1919.   The Imperialist spirit of pride-filled nations of Europe, such as England, France, Germany, and Russia, are the culprits for causing wars by their imperial spirit of pride and arrogance. They have always dragged others into their Imperial wars. That alone is a great evil and a disgrace for the spectator side of humanity.  

Not one of the above Imperials will admit that they were misled by a false spirit. There was a better way, but they missed it. They missed it because of their spirit of pride and arrogance.   The people of England have an English Worldview. The people of France have a French worldview.

The people of Germany have their own subjective Worldview. Soviet-Russia’s people also have a Worldview that is imparted to them by the Soviet-Russian leaders over the last 100 years.   People are homegrown into a nationalistic worldview. The four Imperial powers with people can be categorized as having subjective worldviews. That is problematic if they cannot find any common ground outside of their subjective emotional minds. It is irrational behavior by people with a rational mind capacity. Still, it refuses to focus its rational thinking mind on a common denominator, described as the First cause of Life.  

The First cause of Life has an overview of humanity like none other. He also has rational logic and wisdom like none other.   He has proven His superior wisdom over the last 3460 + years.   The ten instructions were given at Mount Sinai over 3460 years ago, and they are still upheld by people who respect Life and the life-giver. If the people of nations made it a priority to acknowledge the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To take Him at His word, they would discover the First principles of logic and discover that humanity’s problems are rooted in human self-will and erroneous worldviews.

No Surprise that the Nations Do Not Fight and Quarrel over Arithmetic?

They all agree rationally that number values, identities, and operations of numbers are consistent with understanding reasonable Universal laws.   The operation of numbers with addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. They agree that there are constant laws that enable a level play-field for all. Since the early chapters of this book, I have recalled events and moments in Finland’s 500-year history.    

Again and again, the same pattern arises with the Soviet-Russian leader’s Worldview. They have violated the basic moral laws of humanity. Denied and refused to be accountable as lawbreaking criminals. They have sided with corruption and committed criminal deeds, and deny having done anything wrong. The same pattern of criminal mind surfaces again and again over the last 100 years. The violation by the leaders of Soviet-Russia are shocking, and the repression of truth is brazen.  

Evidence of the Soviet-Russian criminal mind behavior is in their characteristic traits; some have been presented in this book.   It has to be An Objective Worldview according to the Spirit of the Natural Law A reality-based worldview defended here is logical and rational:      

  • Reality. Truth based, factual knowledge about human nature and life on earth.      
  • Beliefs. What is True?   Objective truth, with the First Principles of Logic.       Values.
  • What is Right? Morally right, including the intrinsic value of human life.       Behavior and habits.
  • What is the right behavior?   Morally right behavior. According to a Holy Creator of Life, Elohim.  

Why is the right choice an intelligent choice? Because it is giving space to the priori wisdom of the Creator of life, and it is giving priority to the right outcome. The right outcome is objectively verifiable. The right outcome is always competed for by many distractions, temptations, and compromise. The need to have absolutes for intelligent decision outcomes for problem-solving. Artificial intelligence also requires absolute values and absolute definitions. Also, for mathematics and geometry. 2 + 2 = 4. A square is a square, and a circle is a circle; they are not equal in shape or in meaning.  

Nobody complains that there are absolutes in arithmetic or absolutes in scientific engineering; it makes much sense. Absolute values are also rewarding when purchasing a thing or a machine or flying overseas at 10,000 meters altitude in a crowded passenger jet. Who cares about the absolutes of engineering? Controlled flight is maintained by the precision engineering of aviation technology, science, and human knowledge.  

The most common controversial area where people complain about absolutes is moral ones. They protest the idea that there are absolute values in human conduct and morality. Why is that?   Because their self-determination is heading south?

Moreover, the God-given moral law, in the situation, is pointing north? That creates a conflict of interest, a dilemma.

“Do not store up for yourselves wealth here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and burglars break in and steal. Instead, store up for yourselves wealth in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and burglars do not break in or steal.   For where your wealth is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6: 21. (CJB)

The intelligence at the individuals living soul core, the intellect, the will, and the heart. Are there absolute master plan Laws given by the Creator of Life for humanity to follow? Yes, there are. What is the origin of such laws? The origin is from outside space and time, from the Intelligent mind of the Creator God. Humanity, in the beginning, was made in the image of God. With an Intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, and emotions.

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 1814-1822).





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